Monday 6 March 2017




One of my favorite words in Arabic is مسافرة "  (Musafirah), which is the female term for traveller. It was also the first tattoo I got myself when I turned 18. I decided to set up this blog for the exact same reason as I chose to get inked on my ribcage. The thing is, I am a traveller, I always have been. And before you roll your eyes, close the page and think "not another one of these "travellers". Not another one of these travel blogs", let me tell you: You`re right. I won`t deny the fact that there are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of travel blogs out there. I also won`t pretend to be any different from the rest of them. On the contrary, I am truly convinced that we all share the same passion and an equal desire for experimentation, exploration, freedom, extravagance, knowledge and creativity when filling these blank pages with our thoughts. As much as I believe that each journey is experienced and perceived differently, I also think that every adventure, opinion and experience is equally worth to be written about, shared and learnt from.