Sunday 4 June 2017


Welcome to the first post of my Moroccan Diaries!

promised you to take you to Morocco with me, to write about my experiences and to share all my travel secrets with you. I know, it has taken me quite a while to do so, and I apologise for that. I guess, I felt reluctant and apprehensive to capture my memories in words because I wanted to do justice to the magic of Marrakesh and its wonderful and welcoming people. I started and deleted a sentence more often than not as I felt that what I was about to say would not even remotely reflect the beauty, warmth and hypnotic atmosphere of the Red City. The reason why I decided to try one more time and to attempt to transmit Marrakesh`s vibrant colours, its exotic scent and peaceful beauty through writing is because I made a promise - to you, to myself, but mostly to those people I met on my travels. 

What you will find on this page then, is not a travel guide but a series of pictures and impressions gathered along the way. I will keep my word and mention all the places I visited while suggesting a few things to bear in mind should you ever go and see the city for yourself...but I have decided to change things up a little. Browsing through the internet and other blogs made me realise how many travelogues and posts tend to focus on their author, rather than the destination and its inhabitants. My adventure would not have been the same, had I not made the acquaintance of those rare and eccentric minds that made my trip worthwhile. So, my Moroccan friends-turned-into family including poets, artists, nomads, wise souls, survivors, students, mystics, adventurers, thieves and troublemakers: This is for you.